Other poetry anthologies my work has appeared on, these books are available for purchase.
For My Lovers
Sunflowers. Bags. Splinters. The body. The bed. Old memories and spaces. The poems of Zizipho Bam deal with tactile things and physical objects that connect to self and the self’s multiplicity of selves. In this book, Bam as the poet and the visual storyteller convene to create a world where poetry and art can forge a path for healing one's self.
This is Bam's debut collection.

Woven With Brown Thread
Edited by Upile Chisala and published by Centre for The Less Good Idea, Woven with Brown Thread features women and non-binary poets from all over the world. The poems Blackburn South Point Student Accommodation, this body, Sunflower to Vase and Winter Splinter are featured in this collection.
Yesterday and Imagining Realities: An Anthology of South African Poetry
A partnership between the French Institute of South Africa and impepho press, with the support of Total SA. This anthology comprises of 30 poems from South African poets under 30. The poem A Metaphor for Africa is published in this anthology.

New Coin Poetry Journal June 2021
Edited by Kyle Allan and published by ISEA, Institute For The Study Of English In Africa at the university previously known as Rhodes. Publishes cutting-edge South African poetry twice a year in June and December. Zizipho Bam created the book cover and has four poems published in this journal.